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            • Tel:020-6269 1393


              Inspection process

              020-6269 1393

              Location:Home > Standard Query

              UL Certification Request

              ■ UL certification information requirements:
              1. Product circuit diagram, wiring diagram;
              2. The electrical parameter descriptions, specifications, brochures;
              3. The list of important parts and components;
              4. exploded diagram / product installation diagram, product components list (BOM list), PCB board, switches, power cord, plug, internal wiring, terminal blocks, X / Y capacitors, fuses, varistors, insulating sleeve , cooling fans, and other optocoupler requires UL certification number, although not required to provide transformers UL certification file number, but need to provide the constituent material such as: insulating tape, skeleton, enameled wire UL certification number (if the application of a class B above, also you need to provide insulation system suppliers authorized to use authorization letter)
              5. Application series, you need to provide the difference between the models is described in detail


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