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            • Tel:020-6269 1393


              Inspection process

              020-6269 1393

              Location:Home > Standard Query

              CCC certification information requirements

              ■ CCC certification information requirements:
              1. The applicant's business license 2 parts
              2. The applicant organization code certificate copy
              3. a copy of the applicant's trademark registration of 2 parts
              4. List of key parts 1
              5. A copy of the certificate key parts list 1
              6. Chinese designer of the 1
              7. Applicant's Declaration of Conformity 1 (seal of the enterprise need confirmation)
              Differences 8. Product Description 1 (seal of the enterprise need confirmation)
              Copies of lab reports 9.OEM plant products 1
              10.OEM copies of inspection reports 1
              2 parts of electrical schematics 11. Product
              1 part of the applicant organization 12. Figure
              1 13. The product process flow diagram
              14. Production equipment list, 1 copy
              15. One copy of the list of testing equipment
              16. The applicant provided six A4 blank chapter (on the bottom right of the applicant and sealed)
              17. The applicant's product name model specifications (for an enterprise stamped)
              Expansion Model: 1,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,14,15
              OEM, ODM: 1,2,3,7,8,9,15,16


              中文字幕一区二区无码专区,无码精品久久久久电影,人人超碰人人都爱超碰,99无码不卡中文字幕在线视频 亚洲国产日韩欧美高清片 国产成人久久综合一区
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